60" Brick Cave Creek Rehab - 1990

Project Location
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Construction cost
$685,000 (Canadian); C$975/ft. in 1990
Construction Start/End
03/1990 - 09/1990


When was it constructed and how long has it been in service:
Unknown (probably built in mid-late 1800s).

Diameter of line, sewer pipe material (RCP, MCIP, brick, etc.), length of rehab portion:60", Brick, 722 feet of rehab.

Depth of pipe:
4 - 5 feet to crown
Depth of ground water:
10 feet above pipe invert
Health and safety:
Used conventional confined space entry program
Has any re-inspection been performed? What was the condition of the pipe?
Yes. The system was found to be in good condition (see attached excerpts from report by project engineer, Larry O'Keefe).

Mr. Larry O'Keefe
Ottawa Regional Engineer
Ottawa, Canada
Telephone: 613-728-0132


Ventilation and odor control used:
Fresh air pumped into pipe past upstream air dam; maintained sealed lids during non-work periods, and adequate ventilation to carry odors downstream during the work periods.
Rehab method used:
Danby Spiral Lok (same cross section as PL III but only 8" wide and different edge locking design) with full annulus grouting with cementitious grout with minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi.
Cleaning method used (if required) and who cleaned the line:
High pressure (3,000 psi) water blasting performed by the Danby licensee (Taggart Construction).
Method of flow bypass or diversion, if used:
Flows 100% pumped/diverted via buried temporary HDPE pipe.


Problems encountered during construction:
Biggest problem was stopping infiltration of nearly 14 mgd from nearby aqueduct. Also, sharp S-curve in pipe and missing and protruding bricks made this a difficult first job for the Danby licensee.
Problems encountered after construction: