7' x 7' Semi Elliptical Sewer - Mill Creek WWTP (MCI)

Project Location
Cincinnati, OH
Construction cost
Construction Start/End
05/2018 - 12/2018


When was it constructed and how long has it been in service:
approx 1931

Diameter of line, sewer pipe material (RCP, MCIP, brick, etc.), length of rehab portion: 7' x 7' Reinforced Concrete Semi-Elliptical, 700 LF

Depth of pipe:
47 feet
Depth of ground water:
Same as sewer.
Health and safety:
Used conventional confined space entry program. Due to the depth of the pipe, A crane or an electrical winch with a custom manbasket was used to lower personnel 48'.
Has any re-inspection been performed? What was the condition of the pipe?


Ventilation and odor control used:
Forced air was supplied due to the depth of the pipe plug through downstream and mid-point manholes by exhausting air from upstream manhole.
Rehab method used:
Danby Panel Lok III-E Panels used in floor, curved corner and top panel, finished with full annulus grouting with cementitious grout with minimum compressive strength of 5,000 psi. Grouting was accomplished in lifts.
Cleaning method used (if required) and who cleaned the line:
Hydroblasting (6,000 to 10,000 psi) was performed by Danby installer, Boyer, Inc.
Method of flow bypass or diversion, if used:
A temporary weir was installed.


Problems encountered during construction:
Problems encountered after construction: